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Ambient Commands

Commands for configuring ambient lighting settings.

Ambient.ColorSets the color of flat ambient light.
Ambient.SkyColorSets the color of ambient light coming from above.
Ambient.GroundColorSets the color of ambient light coming from below.
Ambient.EquatorColorSets the color of ambient light coming from the sides.
Ambient.IntensitySets how much the ambient light source affects the scene.
Ambient.SourceSets the ambient lighting mode (skybox, gradient, color)

Bind Commands

Bind commands are used to create and manage keybinds in-game, which persist across game sessions.

BindBinds the specified command to the specified key.
UnbindUnbinds any command from the specified key.
UnbindAllUnbinds any command from all bound keys.

Build Commands

Commands for building your program for various platforms.

Build.WindowsBuilds a Windows 64-bit executable with the given name.
Build.LinuxBuilds a Linux executable with the given name.
Build.AndroidBuilds an Android APK with the given name.
Build.iOSBuilds an iOS application with the given name.
Build.OSXBuilds an macOS application with the given name.

Camera Commands

Camera commands manage various properties and actions related to the main camera.

Camera.FOVChanges the Field of View of the main camera.
Camera.AlignAligns the main camera with the scene-view camera.

Copy Commands

Commands for helping with copying game object variables to clipboard.

Copy.PositionCopies the position of the specified game object to clipboard.
Copy.RotationCopies the rotation of the specified game object to clipboard.
Copy.ScaleCopies the scale of the specified game object to clipboard.
Copy.TransformCopies the position, rotation and scale of the specified game object to clipboard.

Core Commands

TimeScaleSets the scale at which time passes.
PrintWrites a message to the console.
ClearClears the console.
HelpGives a list of all current commands.
HelpDescribes the specified command.
QuitQuits the application immediately. (build only)

Create Commands

Commands for quickly generating standard assets like scenes, scripts, and prefabs.

Create.SceneCreates a new Scene in the current Project folder.
Create.FolderPuts selected assets into a new folder.
Create.ScriptCreates a new script in the current Project folder.
Create.ScriptCreates a new script within given namespace, in the current Project folder.
Create.MaterialCreates a new Material in the current Project folder.
Create.UXMLCreates a new UI Document in the current Project folder.
Create.PrefabCreates a new prefab in the current Project folder.
Create.GameObjectCreates a new GameObject in the scene.

Fog Commands

Fog commands to adjust different fog settings.

Fog.EnabledToggles whether fog is enabled or not.
Fog.StartDistanceChanges the starting distance of fog.
Fog.EndDistanceChanges the ending distance of fog.
Fog.DensityChanges the density of fog.
Fog.ColorChanges color of the fog.
Fog.ModeChanges the fog calculation mode.

Layout Commands

Commands for loading and saving Unity editor layouts.

Layout.LoadLoads a layout with the given name.

Name Commands

Name commands provide functionality to rename assets in your project, and objects in your hierarchy.

Name.PrefixRenames selected assets to have a prefix.
Name.SuffixRenames selected assets to have a suffix.
Name.RenameRenames selected assets.
Name.RemoveRemove matching substrings from selected asset names.
Name.ReplaceReplace matching substrings in selected asset names.

Object Commands

Commands for modifying and managing game objects in the scene.

Object.PositionSets the position of the specified game object.
Object.RotationSets the rotation of the specified game object.
Object.ScaleSets the scale of the specified game object.
Object.TransformSets the position, rotation and scale of the specified game object.
Object.ResetResets the position, rotation and scale of the specified game object.
Object.SpawnInstantiates the specified prefab in the scene, at an optional position.
Object.DestroyDestroys the specified game object.
Object.CloneDuplicates an already existing game object in the scene, at an optional position.
Object.LookAtRotates the specified game object to face the target game object.

Open Commands

Commands to open various types of assets in the Unity Editor.

Open.ScriptOpens the specified script.
Open.USSOpens the specified style sheet.
Open.UXMLOpens the specified UI Document.
Open.ShaderOpens the specified shader.
Open.AnimationOpens the specified animation clip.
Open.AnimatorOpens the specified animator controller.
Open.PrefabOpens the specified prefab.

Scene Commands

Commands for managing and interacting with scenes in Unity.

Scene.LoadLoads a scene from a specified name.
Scene.ReloadReloads the currently loaded scene.
Scene.AddToBuildAdds the specified scene to build settings.
Scene.AddToBuildAdds the currently active scene to the build settings.
Scene.RemoveFromBuildRemoves the specified scene from build settings.
Scene.RemoveFromBuildRemoves the currently active scene from build settings.
Scene.GetAllPrints the names of all scenes.

Screen Commands

Commands for managing various display settings for the application.

Screen.FPSSets the target framerate.
Screen.VSyncSets whether VSync should be enabled.
Screen.FullscreenSets whether the application is in fullscreen.
Screen.ResolutionSets the resolution of the application.